Saturday, September 24, 2011

Tiger Football Fun!

Despite the Memphis Tiger's dismal football season, our tailgating group is thankful for an excuse to get together on a regular basis! This morning's game was at 11:00, so we fixed a breakfast of french toast and bacon, with sides of muffins, potato casserole and doughnuts. Yum!

Our group's children were out in full force, providing entertainment during the tailgate and the game. They are getting so big and it was great to see them all!

I got some cute pictures, then realized as we were leaving the stadium that I had the camera set to a VERY low resolution, so they aren't very good. Bummer. I need to work on the most basic of photography skills!

Here is our new tailgate grill, and Justin the master chef!

This picture has 5 adults and 5 children that are all looking at the camera with their eyes open. If only the picture resolution was better!

Justin looks really manly with a pink diaper bag:

I think the only thing the crowd had to cheer about for an entire quarter was the cheerleaders. Everyone actually stood up and clapped. Perhaps these guys should try our for football.

Destin and Logan:

Jessica and Virginia

 Emily, Rowan and Grace. 
We missed Peyton and Stephen whowere at home sick. :( 

Sweet picture of Virginia

 And a sweet one of Ella! She's cheering for the "boys" I'm sure!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Weekend project - Music Intercomm

When we bought our house one thing that I knew I wanted to do eventually is get rid of the 1970's music intercomm system in the house.

We figured there were two options - replace it or do a LOT of drywall work and painting. Since we hate drywall work and painting, and we could probably replace it for less than the cost of hiring someone to do the work, that's the route we chose.

Naturally, I assume that Justin can do anything, so I wasn't TOO concerned when I got to the part of the instructions that said the work should only be done by a qualified electrician. We got hung up when we were supposed to replace the old transformer with the new transformer, but it turned out the old transformer was hidden in the ceiling somewhere. Justin had to do some complicated (in my opinion) wiring, but he figured it out!

The final product looks a lot better and more modern, plus it has a CD Player and iPod dock! I'm sure there will come a time when someone buys the house and wonders what the heck an iPod is, but that will be their problem! :) 

The remote stations in our other rooms look a lot better too. 

I haven't told Justin yet that he's going to be to expected to switch out that off-white lightswitch to white, as well as many others like it... I'll break that news soon enough!

Another perk is that we figured out the wiring for the outside doorbell works, so we can replace it instead of having a non-functional speaker in the front wall. Because there was no way we could fill in that brick! 

I'm really happy with the way this turned out and have enjoyed listening to music instead of the TV all the time!

Friday, September 2, 2011

Orange Beach Vacation

Justin and I did do a little more than just parasailing while we were in Orange Beach, so here are the rest of the pictures! I wanted to get a nice picture of the two of us on the beach, which I knew would be a challenge without having someone else there to take it. We almost lucked out on Saturday. We were on a pretty beach in a state park where there weren't many tents, beach chairs and umbrellas to mess up the picture. A woman saw Justin taking a picture of us by holding the camera out in front of us and came over and asked if she could help. Turns out she was a photographer and was happy to take several pictures. I say we ALMOST lucked out because we looked like this - 
No photographer can turn those outfits into a frame-worthy picture!

After that we were dependent on finding a spot to prop the camera, setting the timer and RUNNING through the sand to get into the picture, while trying not to sweat. It was quite a challenge, but we got a few good pictures!

Saturday night we went to dinner at a place called Flippers because a couple we met in the ocean said they had awesome seafood nachos. It was way off the beaten path, but they did have good nachos and a fun band in the tiki bar! And a gorgeous view of the sunset from our table!

After dinner we went on the obligatory night out to Flora-Bama! :) 

It was a great trip and so much fun to spend a weekend together relaxing!